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This station design was created by participants in the Life Beyond course at HMP Glenochil.

23 Jul 2020 | Blogs , Prisoner Learning Alliance , PUPiL , Uncategorised

Reaching for the stars in prison

Charles Cockell, from Edinburgh University, discusses the successful Life Beyond project established through a partnership between Fife College and the Scottish Prison Service. Life Beyond challenges prisoners to think about science in a creative way.

25 May 2018 | Employability | Uncategorised

Working it out: Does the new education and employment strategy add up?

On 24 May, Justice Secretary David Gauke announced a new strategy for education and employment in, and out, of prison. Much of it wasn’t new, there were positive statements of intent, and some disappointments. But is the financial investment going to be there to make it a reality?

27 Mar 2018 | PET news | Uncategorised

Lady Elizabeth Andrew OBE, 1935 – 2018

It is with great sadness that we report the death of Lady Elizabeth Andrew, founding member and patron of Prisoners’ Education Trust, who passed away on 13 January 2018, leaving an extraordinary legacy to for PET.

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