Sir Paul Phillips

Home > Sir Paul Phillips

25 September 2019

Dr Paul Phillips CBE - headshot

Paul Phillips is Principal & Chief Executive of the Weston College Group situated in North Somerset. This award-winning College regularly features at the top of the league tables for FE and holds the South West and South East contracts for Offender Learning.

Most recently Sir Paul has received an honorary knighthood in the Queen’s Birthday Honours in recognition of his services to education and in particular his leadership commitment to key national educational agendas such as mental health, higher technical education and inclusive practice for which he has shown a lifelong commitment, sharing best practice as the National People Lead, for one of three Department for Education National SEND Centres for Excellence in the UK – a status awarded to the College in 2019. In 2019, he was also named the FE Leader of the Year and was awarded an honorary Doctorate in Education by the University of West of England for his services to education.

He was formerly Vice Principal of the largest College in Wales. His career has included work and consultations for NHS, Offender Learning, MOD and public services. In addition, he has published research papers related to the Cost Benefit Analysis of education.

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