Help us mark our 30th birthday in style

Home > Help us mark our 30th birthday in style

Cassie Edmiston, Head of Fundraising | 30 April 2019

Reading text books

It isn’t often that PET can claim to have something in common with the World Wide Web, Daniel Radcliffe and Taylor Swift, but this year we all turn 30. No offence to Dan, Taylor and the internet, but I think we can all agree PET has matured into something pretty fabulous. 

Since our birthday in 1989, we have funded over 40,000 courses and related materials; built solid evidence for what works in prison education; and developed our expertise in supporting distance learners, whatever they want to study in prison.

To celebrate this landmark birthday we are excited to launch an appeal to raise £130,000 to ensure more prisoners can benefit from our distance learning courses, advice and guidance. We can only achieve this with your help and there will be ways for everyone to get involved throughout the year: a birthday celebration in June; a garden party in September; a new running challenge around prison grounds this autumn; and a very exciting appeal at the end of the year (look out for more news on this soon).  We are also launching our first Student Fundraising Volunteer group and look forward to seeing more develop over the next twelve months.

When I joined PET I had no concept of the passion the organisation inspires, the commitment shown by those who support it, and the dedication of our learners in prison.

Your support is essential to ensure PET can transform as many lives as possible through the power of education, and this power cannot be underestimated. I was reminded of this very recently, when we were visited by someone who had successfully completed a degree in prison, and has applied to do a Masters in the community. Their education in prison gave them confidence, helped them overcome addiction, enabled them to rebuild their relationship with their son, and motivated them to become a mentor to other prisoners. It was amazing and humbling to hear their experiences and the challenges they have faced and overcome.

When I joined PET I had no concept of the passion the organisation inspires, the commitment shown by those who support it, and the dedication of our learners in prison. I just knew PET’s work seemed important. Eight years on, I am acutely aware of this passion, commitment and dedication, and absolutely clear that our work is critical. It is a fact that PET could not do what it does, and would not have changed so many lives, were it not for your wonderful support and generous donations.

Please do get involved and help PET mark this significant birthday in style

We’ll be sharing your stories throughout the course of our birthday year to say thank you for all you’ve done to support prison education. We’ll also be recognising some of the grant-making organisations who have supported PET from the very beginning.

So, in our thirtieth year, please do get involved and help PET mark this significant birthday in style. Keep up to date with plans through our e-news, grab a place in London’s stunning Royal Parks Half Marathon this October, or  if you have your own idea to raise funds, email us  and we would be thrilled to help you bring your idea to life.

We’ll be tracking progress towards our £130,000 goal on our new website. Please do consider making a contribution. Any amount – however small – will help people in prison find hope and build positive futures. For, as Ms Swift wisely puts it: “No matter what happens in life, we should be good to people. Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind.” Thank you for helping us to continue our legacy!

Help us raise £130,000 for our 30th birthday

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