Rehabilitation and resettlement inquiry – PET evidence submission
PET submitted evidence to the Justice Committee's inquiry into resettlement and rehabilitation, which is centred around investigating the cycle of reoffending.
PET submitted evidence to the Justice Committee's inquiry into resettlement and rehabilitation, which is centred around investigating the cycle of reoffending.
PET submitted evidence to this review of sentencing which is tasked with a comprehensive re-evaluation of our sentencing framework. Its goal is to ensure we are never again in a position where the country has more people in prison than prison places.
The Public Accounts Committee examines the value for money of Government projects, programmes and service delivery. As part of this inquiry, we submitted evidence on subjects including work to increase capacity and the long-term strategy to deliver a prison estate that is fit for the future.
This briefing makes 10 recommendations to the new ministerial team at the Ministry of Justice to transform prison education.
This report, written by research and policy consultant Katy Swaine Williams, draws together the experiences of eight young women - aged 18 to 24 - who have spent time in prison and explores their relationship with education and work. It demonstrates the powerful role education plays for young women in prison and on release.
PET's 2023 Annual Report and Accounts.
In May 2024, PET submitted a response to Ofsted’s Big Listen consultation, which sought views across their work inspecting services providing education and skills for learners of all ages. The consultation explores reporting, inspection practice, culture and purpose, and impact.
The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Sport and Physical Activity in the Criminal Justice System launched an independent inquiry in January 2024, examining the role of physical activity, physical education and sport within the children and young people secure estate (CYPSE) and adult prisons across England and Wales. They issued a call for evidence which closed in March 2024.
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With only very limited Wales-specific data on prisons published by the Ministry of Justice, this Welsh Affairs Committee's inquiry seeks to shine a light on the true picture of the challenges facing prisons in Wales, and what can be done to tackle those challenges.
© Prisoners' Education Trust 2025