HMP Pentonville students draw up prison education manifesto

Home > HMP Pentonville students draw up prison education manifesto

03 June 2020

The Education Manifesto by Carl

As part of HMP Pentonville’s commemorative book marking their partnership with PET, Carl – a resident at the prison – has written a 16-point manifesto for improving education across the prison estate.

  1. Put yourself in situations where learning is required to survive and thrive.
  2. Encourage young adults under the age of 21 to engage with education.
  3. The highest paid activity.
  4. Showing up is just the beginning.
  5. Bespoke to meet the needs of the learner.
  6. The most valued activity.
  7. Underpins everything that happens in prison.
  8. Access to modern technology; access to the internet.
  9. Learning forums.
  10. Strong links to the learning provider in the local area.
  11. Variety of course provision.
  12. Recognise good teachers and retain their services.
  13. Valuable tool for social development.
  14. Respect and positive regard for all undergoing education.
  15. Regular open days and education and training fairs.
  16. Clear pathways to allow students to continue education upon release.

Carl was part of the team that wrote and designed the commemorative book marking HMP Pentonville’s 20-year partnership with PET.

You can read an interactive version of the book here.

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