PET puts inclusion at heart of new strategy

Home > PET puts inclusion at heart of new strategy

Jon Collins, Chief Executive | 20 October 2021

Prison learners sitting at table

We have launched our new five year strategy for 2022-2026. Here, PET Chief Executive Jon Collins sets out our plans to ensure everyone in prison has access to education.

Since I joined PET in April I have been working on this new strategy, alongside colleagues, PET alumni, the Board of Trustees and other partners. We have also consulted people in prison, to ensure their views informed our work.

The strategy that we have jointly developed is an ambitious one, setting out a future for PET that builds on our strengths and continues to move the organisation forward.

PET was founded more than 30 years ago to support people in prison to do distance learning, and we now help around 1,500 people each year to access a range of educational opportunities that would otherwise be unavailable to them. This will, of course, continue to be at the heart of what we do.

But we want to build on it. Everyone in prison, wherever they are in the country and whatever their background, should have access to education. PET must do everything we can to make that happen.

We must be inclusive in all that we do and as many people in prison as possible must be able to access our support. Underpinning this, we must continue to be a well-run organisation, driven by our values and with learners central to all that we do.

To achieve this, over the next five years we will:

  1. Extend our reach by seeking out and engaging people in prison who have not yet considered or participated in distance learning.
  2. Extend the support that we provide, to enable learners to access courses that meet their goals and to increase the proportion who complete their courses.
  3. Make use of digital technology to enhance the learning experience for people in prison.
  4. Use PET’s standing to influence policy in order to achieve change and realise our vision.

To enable us to carry out this work effectively and in line with our values we will:

  1. Engage with and involve people with lived experience of prison education, so that PET continues to put the learner at the centre of all that we do.
  2. Put equality, diversity and inclusion at the heart of our work, to ensure that fairness is central to everything that we do.
  3. Ensure that PET is a well-run, effective and financially sustainable organisation, built on firm foundations and fit for the future.

Our strategy sets out what we will do to ensure that we achieve these aims. We are confident that this will see PET continue to flourish, working with and on behalf of our learners to make a real difference over the next five years and beyond.

All of us at PET want to make the learning experiences of people in prison as good as those of learners in the community. We are looking forward to working with our partners and, most importantly, our learners to implement this new strategy, which we are confident will be a step towards making this goal a reality.

If you would like to work with us to support the implementation of this strategy, please get in touch. If you would like to make a donation to support PET’s work, please visit our Donate page.

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