Business Skills for the Fitness Professional

Self-employment is a popular route for fitness professionals to take, so getting business basics right is important. This course is ideal if you are looking to develop the skills and confidence to manage your own tax, National Insurance, marketing, promotions and pricing strategy. You will find out about a wide range of areas including the legal obligations of running a business, brand management, generating leads and sales, performance monitoring, business planning, cash-flow and basic accounting.

The course consists of ten modules:

  1. Tax and National Insurance
  2. Legal Obligations of Running a Business
  3. Brand Management
  4. Effective Marketing Skills and Strategies
  5. Generating Leads and Sales
  6. Performance Monitoring
  7. Business Planning
  8. Financial Management
  9. Cash Flow Forecasting
  10. Basic Accounting

Entry Requirements: Level 2 English

Format of Course Materials: Paper-based

Assignments: A worksheet and a case-study

Exams: None

Prison Support Requirements: Support completion and submission of assignments

Tutor Support: Yes

What’s Next? Another HFE Level 3 course

Find Out More: From HFE here 


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