Certificate in Understanding Substance Misuse

This course will help you to develop an increased understanding of substance misuse, equipping you with knowledge and skills that can be used whether you are personally or professionally involved in this field. The course covers the effects and symptoms of drug use, as well as responses including legislation, harm reduction and intervention. It also has a unit focused especially on substance misuse among young people.

This course is comprised of three units:

  1. Understanding Drug Use: Facts, Effects, Symptoms and Attitudes
  2. Understanding Responses to Substance Misuse: Legislation, Harm Reduction and Interventions
  3. Understanding Alcohol and Drug Use in Young People

Entry requirements: Level 2 English

Format of Course Materials: Paper-based

Assignments: Three written assignments

Exams: None

Tutor support: Yes

Prison support requirements: Support completion and submission of assignments

What’s next? Understanding Mental Healthcare QCF (Level 3)

Find Out More: From NCC here

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