CIMA Accredited Sage Certificate

Jointly developed by Sage and the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), this course offers a grounding in computerised accounting. It provides you with an introduction to the Sage 50 software and gives you the practical skills required by businesses to perform accounting functions. You will find out more about concepts like transactions, reconciliation, management and reporting, VAT returns, remittance, and project costing.

The course consists of seven units:

  1. Introduction: How to make full use of the software, back-up, restore and data security
  2. Transactions from customers and suppliers, including invoice creation
  3. Cash, bank and budget control and reconciliation
  4. Management and comparative reporting
  5. VAT returns, EC sales and Intrastat
  6. Tailoring reports and layouts including email statements and remittances
  7. Project (job) costing for detailed individual job / project control

Entry Requirements: Level 2 English and Maths, plus a Sage Level 3 qualification

Format of course materials: CD-ROMs and workbooks

Assignments: A series of self-assessed tests and a case study

Exams: Two exams

Prison Support Requirements: Ensure and facilitate PC Access. Facilitate and Invigilate exams.

Tutor Support: Yes

What’s next? CIMA Acccredited Sage Level 5 Higher Certificate

Find out more: On Sage’s website here


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