Certificate in Counselling Skills

This qualification will introduce you to the use of counselling skills in everyday life and some of the approaches that underpin these skills. You will explore how to engage in a counselling interaction effectively and how to use counselling skills in relation to personal development. You will also build your understanding of areas such as diversity and ethics in counselling. This course does not qualify you to practice as a counsellor, however it may be a useful stepping stone for further study.

The course consists of four units:

  1. Counselling Skills
  2. Introduction to Counselling Skill Theory
  3. Diversity and Ethics in the Use of Counselling skills
  4. Counselling Skills and personal development

Entry Requirements: Level 2 English

Format of Course Materials: Paper-based

Assessments: Four written assignments

Exams: None

Prison Support Requirements: Support submission and completion of assignments

Tutor Support: Yes

What’s next? Certificate in Understanding Substance Misuse (Level 3); Understanding Mental Health Care QCF (Level 3)

Find out more: On BSY’s website here

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