RYA Day Skipper

Suitable for sailors and motor boaters, this introductory course will give you the skills to navigate around familiar waters by day – expanding your knowledge of seamanship, navigation, and meteorology. You will find out more about nautical terms, rope and anchor work, safety, international regulations, navigation and compass-work, and chart-work.

The course comprises of fifteen subjects:

  1. Nautical Terms
  2. Ropework
  3. Anchor Work
  4. Safety
  5. International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea
  6. Navigation
  7. Compass
  8. Chartwork
  9. Tides and Tidal Streams
  10. Visual Aids to Navigation
  11. Meteorology
  12. Passage Planning
  13. Navigation in Restricted Visibility
  14. Pilotage
  15. Marine Environment

Entry Requirements: Level 2 English and Maths

Format of Course Materials: Paper-based

Assignments: None – course contains a self-assessed workbook

Exams: Two exams

Prison Support Requirements: Support completion and submission of assignments. Facilitate and invigilate exams.

Tutor Support: Yes

What’s Next? Coastal Skipper

Find Out More: via the EASS here

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