This course deepens your knowledge of linguistic analysis and explores language use in a variety of situations and contexts. From political speeches and song lyrics, to cartoon strips and food labelling, the course will introduce you to a rich set of resources and styles of writing. You’ll learn about the terminology and grammar that underpins the English language, building your understanding of how language works in the way it does.
PET offers A-levels in two parts. Upon completing Part 1, you can choose either to take your AS exam (a qualification marking the first year of a full A-level) or continue on to Part 2 to build up to a full A-level.
The course consists of the following units:
1. Methods of language analysis
2. Spoken English
3. Language and Power
4. Identity and non-standard English
5. Language and Gender
Entry Requirements: Level 2 English
Format of Course Materials: Paper-based
Assignments: Six written assignments. These do not contribute toward the final grade.
Exams: Two – each are 1 hour 30 minutes, and contribute 50% of the overall grade. (Funding not included – you will need to re-apply to PET for the exam fees).
Prison Support Requirements: Support submission and completion of assignments. Organize and invigilate exams.
Tutor Support: Yes
What’s Next? English Language A-Level Part 2
Find Out More: From NEC here
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