IET Wiring Regulations 18th Edition

British Standard (BS) wiring regulations are updated every 10 years, with the 18th edition issued in 2018. This qualification is now mandatory for all electrical work. With thorough explanations of all the regulations, emphasising those that are new and significant, this course includes over 1,000 practice questions, helping you to prepare for the 18th Edition exam.

Electacourse consider their approach to be:

  1. Understanding the context of the 18th Edition exam
  2. Thorough explanation of all regulations with an emphasis on those which are new and significant
  3. A large question bank to feed unrivalled exam practice. To date they have not had a single 18th Edition exam failure.

Entry Requirements: Level 2 English and Maths

Format of Course Materials: CD-ROMs plus IET Wiring Regulations book

Assignments: None, but the course contains over 1,000 practice questions.

Exams: The City & Guilds 2382-18 multiple choice exam (60 questions in 120 minutes). It can only be taken at Electacourse partner centres on ROTL or after release (19 centres across UK). We would therefore only fund this course for learners who are within two years of parole, ROTL, or release.

CAT D Prisons and Nearest Exam Centre:

Ford (Sussex) – Basingstoke: (50 miles)

Kirkham (Lancashire) – Manchester (30 miles)

North Sea Camp (South Lincolnshire) – Nottingham (60 miles)

Standford Hill (Kent) – Maidstone (20 miles)

Springhill (Buckinghamshire) – Ealing (30 miles)

Leyhill (Gloucestershire) – Gloucester (25 miles)

Hatfield (South Yorkshire) – Hull (50 miles)

Thorn Cross (Cheshire) – Manchester (20 miles)

Prescoed (South Wales) – Bristol (30 miles)

Prison Support Requirements: Ensure and facilitate PC use. Arrange exam with Electacourse if necessary.

Tutor support: None, but Electacourse are happy to be contacted in the event of any queries.

What’s Next? NEBOSH Level 2 Award in Health and Safety (ATM Safety).

Find Out More: From Electacourse directly here

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