Law A-Level Part 2

This course explores the English legal system and substantive law, including criminal and civil law. You’ll consider different scenarios – applying legal rules, constructing arguments and evaluating key legal issues and concepts. The course will also develop your problem-solving and analytical thinking, as well as your essay writing, research and debating skills – preparing you for a diverse range of future career paths.

The course contains six lessons that follow on from Part 1:

5. Criminal law – offences against the person
6. Criminal law – property offences
7: Tort
8. Human rights 1
9. Human rights 2
10. Nature of law

Entry Requirements: Level 2 English, plus Law A-Level Part 1

Format of Course Materials: Paper-based

Assignments: Six written assignments. These do not contribute towards the final grade.

Exams: Three – each are 2 hours long, and contribute 33.3% of the final grade. (Funding not included – you will need to re-apply to PET for the exam fees).

Prison Support Requirements: Support completion and submission of assignments. Organize and invigilate exams.

Tutor Support: Yes

What’s Next? Open University Access Module Y032 People, Work and Society.

Find Out More: From NEC here

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