Maths GCSE

This qualification will help you gain more confidence in basic mathematical skills, covering topics such as fractions, decimals and Pythagoras’ Theorem. By studying this course, you will become better-equipped in terms of critical thinking, problem-solving and analytical skills.

The course consists of the following units:

  1. Working with numbers and fractions
  2. Decimals, percentages and introduction to algebra
  3. Patterns, shapes and symmetry
  4. Probability, presenting data and using graphs
  5. Indices and surds, length and area
  6. Constructions and diagrams, Pythagoras’ theory
  7. Shapes, solids and trigonometry
  8. Enlargements and more trigonometry
  9. Transformations, variation, more statistics and vectors
  10. Similarity, everyday calculations, algebra and circle theorems

Entry Requirements: Level 2 English

Format of Course Materials: Paper-based

Assignments: Eleven written assignments. These do not count towards the final grade.

Exams: Three Exams, each are 1 hour 30 minutes, and contribute 33.% to the final grade. (Funding not included – you will need to re-apply to PET for the exam-fees).

Prison Support Requirements: Support completion and submission of assignments. Organize and facilitate exams.

Tutor Support: Yes

What’s Next? A-Level Maths or Open University Access Module YO33: Science, Technology and Maths

Find Out More: Via NEC here

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