Sociology A-Level Part 2

With this qualification, you’ll improve your understanding of human behaviour and interaction and explore issues around race, inequality and religion. You will get the opportunity to develop transferable skills like critical analysis, as well as independent thinking and research.

This course contains five lessons that follow on from Part 1:

  1. Beliefs in Society 1 (Religion, science, and ideology, religion as a force for social stability or change, religious organisations)
  2. Beliefs in Society 2 (New religious movements, gender feminism and religion, ethnicity, age and class, secularisation)
  3. Crime and Deviance 1 (Social control, deviance, crime, radical criminology, labelling theory, crime statistics)
  4. Crime and Deviance 2 (Ethnicity, gender and crime, social class and crime, crime in a global world, the criminal justice system)
  5. Revision – Theory and Methods

Entry Requirements: Level 2 English and Maths, plus Sociology A-Level Part 1

Assignments: Five written assignments. These do not contribute towards the final grade.

Exams: Three – each are 2 hours long, and contribute 33.3% of the final grade. (Funding not included – you will need to re-apply to PET for the exam fees)

Prison Support Requirements: Support completion and submission of assignments. Organize and invigilate exams.

Tutor Support: Yes

What’s Next? Open University Access Module Y032 People, Work and Society.

Find Out More: From NEC here

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