Active citizenship in prisons

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Prisoners’ Active Citizenship (PAC) was a two-year project funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ KA2-programme that ran from 2018-2020.

Active citizenship is about people’s involvement in the world around them.

It is the action of engaging with issues, ideas, people and communities. It has the potential to be an extremely powerful force for good in prisons. Engagement during a sentence can help people prepare to re-enter society, able to contribute, participate and belong.

The goal of the project was to test various active citizenship participation models in different European prisons and to develop a participation toolkit based on these experiences.

To gain the benefits of active citizenship, prisons need to be hospitable to these programmes, and policy makers need to support their development. The PAC team has put together a set of policy recommendations for governments across Europe.

Read the recommendations here

The toolkit was made possible by a collaboration between the following organisations, as part of the PAC (Prisoners’ Active Citizenship) Erasmus + EU project:

Erasmus+ and PAC logos

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