Work with our learners

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They say being an entrepreneur is being a doer not a dreamer, but my dream started as a young boy in a prison cell, being given a second chance. This is what inspires me to work with Prisoners’ Education Trust that’s what they’re doing everyday – giving people like me second chances.

Javed, entrepreneur and PET alumnus

Our learners are at the heart of what we do.

The expertise and experience of our learners and alumni helps us frame research and policy work, and grow and develop as an organisation. Former learners help us better meet the needs and aspirations of future learners, and amplify the messages that we share with other service users, the criminal justice sector and the wider public.

In prisons, our workshops with learners have helped us improve the way we work.

Read more about participation workshops here

Outside prison, our alumni network is a community of former learners who wish to use their experience and expertise to influence change. Our alumni act as spokespeople for PET before policy makers, the wider sector, and the media. Our Advisory Group, chaired by a Trustee with lived experience of prison, meets regularly to advise on PET’s work. Their input helps us make a bigger difference to more prisoners.

Join the alumni network
Peter S, Nina

Learners' stories

Every year, we fund over 2,000 courses for people in prison. Behind every one of them, there is a story.

Read them here

© Prisoners' Education Trust 2025

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