Contact us

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On this page you’ll find answers to some of our frequently asked questions.

Sign up to our email newsletter

If you’re a prison staff member and want to help someone in prison apply for distance learning, visit our support page.

If you’re the family or friend of someone in prison and want to encourage them to apply, you can find more information here.

Your donation, whatever the size, can give someone in prison a second chance to turn their life around.

Make a one-off donation, set up a regular payment, or pay in your fundraising money on our Donate page.

In your community, at work or at school – there are lots of way to fundraise for PET. Find them on our Fundraise page.

We couldn’t help so many people in prison without our brilliant volunteers. From supporting our teams in London and Cardiff to helping out at events, there are lots of ways you can use your time and talents to help PET. Find them on our volunteer page.

At PET we do not offer work placements or volunteering opportunities in prison education teams.

Prison education is provided by various providers, and you can find out who does this in a prison near you here.

For more information on working and volunteering as a prison educator visit the PLA here.

Sharing your story of learning in prison can help us build support for prison education, encourage other people in prison to apply for PET funding, and inform our supporters about the positive impact of distance learning. Find out how to share your story here.

Our website is a good starting point for many research questions we receive. You can find out about our policy work here and the impact of distance learning here.

For facts about the prison system take a look at the Prison Reform Trust’s Bromley Briefings.

If you can’t find the answer to your question, please contact our policy team. We ask you to bear in mind that, as a small charity, we are unable to answer every research query we get and may not get back to you immediately.

Our Media Centre highlights the key facts and figures about our work, picks out learners’ stories, and features details of our media spokespeople. In the Media Centre, you can also find out how to contact our communications team with your press enquiries.

We try to ensure that the support we offer at PET is always of a high standard. However occasionally we might fall short. If something is not right or appropriate you have the right to make a complaint.

If you would like to make a complaint, or if you have any concerns, please read PET’s complaints policy and fill in the form below – just choose ‘Complaints and feedback’ in the ‘Type of enquiry’ box.

We are always pleased to receive your comments about our work. It is useful for us to know when we have done a good job, but more importantly to understand where we can improve.

If you have feedback, thoughts or suggestions about our work, please fill in the form below – just choose ‘Complaints and feedback’ in the ‘Type of enquiry’ box.

If you have a prison staff or alumni account but have forgotten your password, you can reset it here.

Haven’t found an answer?

If your question hasn’t been answered, complete our online enquiry form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Alternatively you can call us on: 020 3752 5680

Or write to us at: Prisoners’ Education Trust, The Foundry, 17 Oval Way, London SE11 5RR

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